Friday, 16 July 2010

Salmond on Scottish Golf Tourism

Picked up on an interesting series of blog articles Letters From St Andrews

The blog author Wright Thomspn is covering the Open for ESPN and walked with Alex Salmond nd asked him a couple of questions at which he talks briefly and mostly about his St Andrews student days.
Most interesting response however is when asked "How would it be different if Scotland were in charge of its own destiny?"

The First Minister replied, "Let's take a golfing example. We're in charge of golf in Scotland. So what are we doing? We are promoting Scotland and golf together. That's having a fantastic effect in terms of tourism figures for golf. The second thing we're doing in golf is every child in Scotland, at the age of 9, is now playing golf. Every single one. We have an initiative called Club Golf in primary schools, so every child -- 40,000 9-year-olds in Scotland this year -- gets to play. The point I'm making? If we can do that running golf, just think what we would do running the economy."

Is it just me I keep wondering...

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