Tuesday, 27 July 2010

More O'Leary Duplicity

You've got to give him  credit for continually getting away with it...

Following on from the winter schedule cuts, Michael O’Leary said:
“Sadly UK traffic and tourism continues to collapse while Rxxxair continues to grow rapidly in those countries which welcome tourists instead of taxing them.

“Rxxxair’s 16% UK capacity cutback, 17% cut at Stansted, shows just how much the UK’s tourist tax and the BAA’s high airport charges are damaging UK tourism and the British economy generally.

“Today’s cutbacks underline the urgent need to break-up the high cost BAA Airport monopoly, as recommended by the Competition Commission, and scrap the damaging £11 tourist tax which has caused UK traffic to collapse over the past two years.” 

It's a shame for independently owned (and Rxxxair shafted) Prestwick Airport that this PR rhetoric doesn't prevent the transfer of the key routes from Prestwick to BAA owned Edinburgh Airport.

Ah such unfettered power....

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