Friday, 31 July 2009

Official Guide to Golf 2010

Advertising space is still available for the 2010 Official Guide to Golf in Scotland published annually by PSP in conjunction with VisitScotland.
According to the promo blurb that goes with the rate card:
  • Golf tourism delivers well over £200 million per annum
  • The average length of a golf break is 6.61 days
  • The average number of golfers per party is 7.65
  • UK Golf visitors spend an average of £657 per trip
There are 115,000 copies being printed for distribution at travel and trade exhibitions and in response to marketing campaigns.

For more information contact the Sales Team on 0141 353 2222 or email them at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

has anyone ever questioned the benefit of advertising in this publication. lets ask advertisers if it works. Unfortunately there is no place to post comments from people who have wasted their money in the past and surely when everyones budgets are tight it would be worth knowing what works and what doesnt. How about this as a new topic on tourism matters.