Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Manage Your Customer Reviews

As we all know Customer Reviews can be a very useful tool when deciding where we should be heading off to. Whether it be a First Choice resort in Egypt or a business venue in Edinburgh we're pretty quick these days as consumers to hit TripAdvisor before we go too far along the line.
And of course that's what our own customers are undoubtedly doing as well and in recognising that fact (not necessarily liking it!) we all have to ensure that our consumer profile on-line reflects our businesses as we would wish.
James Kennedy from Bookassist Scotland explained to us that the company ethos is to help accommodation providers drive traffic to their own website; always has been and always will be and that it made perfect sense to put Customer Reviews onto the reservations system to ensure that reviews could be seen from the hotel's own site.
He explained the process, "Once a client who has booked using Bookassist has left the hotel, they will be emailed asking them to rank and review both the system and the accommodation experience."
"The former helps us identify where we may need to support a hotel or improve our reservations service but even more importantly the second allows you to get a very quick turnaround on your guest comments."
Sure, you may not to publish them all but even poor comments can be used to retrieve negative publicity either through the guest's word of mouth or if he's web 2.0 literate his posting on to TripAdvisor or other travel sites.
It would seem clear that Guest Review Management simply has to become part of your PR/Customer Relations/Market Research and very necessary to spend some time in this area to improve your service, identify problems and in the end improve your bottom line.
To make this easier, Bookassist's latest upgrade now allows all administrators the ability to manage their own guest comments choosing to either reply or publish each one. They also provide on request an easy to understand guide on how to manage guest reviews made on TripAdvisor.
  1. Review your guest comments regularly
  2. Respond to negative comments positively and directly
  3. Publish positive responses on-line with Bookassist
For more information opn how to manage your guest reviews with Bookassist give James Kennedy a call on 01292 521404 or email james.kennedy@bookassist.com

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