Thursday, 5 August 2010

Good Use of Blog by Dornoch Hotelier

Grant Sword who's currently looking after the marketing and management of the recently re-opened Royal Golf Hotel in Dornoch has takane advantage of the press furore about Alex Salmond's remark about choosing to go to Dornoch so he could play golf!

His recent blogpost and Facebook plays on the benefits of combining business with pleasure in The Highlands.

Ian McCaig of The Edge who looks after the on-line marketing for Grant's three hotels in The Highlands praised the hotel's understanding of what was needed, "It is a positive opportunistic use of social media to promote the business. Tourism operators across Scotland should be using current affairs to shape their own website content. If people are searching Google for "Alex Salmond dornoch golf hotel" then you want to make sure that you've got a chance to be found for those terms.

The very timely Escape to The Highlands blog on the visits helps achieve this and linking to it from the Royal Golf Hotel's Facebook page ensures that his industry and business contacts get the message directly. Within thirty minutes of publishing the Blog article this is what Google search for the above term showed up"

For a Guide to Blogging for the hospitality and Tourism sector contact The Edge Online

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