Tuesday, 23 March 2010

MSc International Tourism Enterprise

I guess it's the sort of thing Tourism matters should be promoting more of. Education is absolutely critical to the future of tourism to and in Scotland and improving understanding of the business at secondary and tertiary levels is really not given the coverage or support we should. So it's a commitment from now on to promote education and training more prominently in the blog.

First one comes from STF's weekly newsletter promoting the MSc International Tourism Enterprise at Glasgow Caledonian University.

"The only MSc International Tourism Enterprise in Scotland offers flexible modes of study both full and part time. The course is created to maximise opportunities in specific areas of enterprise: Tourism, Hospitality, Heritage or Events. Designed to develop knowledge and leadership skills contributing to the successful development of tourism enterprise. Combines management development skills, with understanding of international contexts.

The course holds varied opportunities and prospects for developing a future in the international arena of tourism, whether seeking to establish and enterprise or career progress through management and development in the chosen sector."

Please click here to download the prospectus for more information. Moffat Scholarships of £3600 per annum are available for this course. 

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