Thursday, 8 October 2009

Dusseldorf to Inverness flight being extended

The tourism industry in the Highlands received a boost last night after an airline announced its summer trial of flights between Düsseldorf and Inverness will be extended into 2010.
The weekly service operated by Lufthansa’s ended in September but had been recognised as having increased the number of German visitors to the north of Scotland this year. 
A Lufthansa spokeswoman said the trial service had been a success and that the flights were scheduled to resume next summer, “The results of flights to Inverness are good, and we are looking to operate the service in 2010.”
It is believed flights will run over a four-month period next year, a month longer than this summer, but the spokeswoman said no decision had been taken on timetables. Germany has become Scotland's largest European market with around 300,000 Germans coming to Scotland in 2008 spending an estiamted £187million.

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