Monday, 28 September 2009

Cowal Tourism Forum

An excellent review of a Tourism Forum held on the Cowal Peninsual in Argyll offers a really good insight into how similar the tourism industry's concernas are across the country.
The Tourism Forum took place on 24th September by the Cowalfest team was for the Cowal peninsula but according to the author, "was actually on the money for all of Argyll and the Isles. The facts, the information, the issues and the speakers are germane to everyone in the region."
We would argue that the relevance of the report is wider than that and that indeed the agenda and discussions that followed need to be replciated around the country. Problem is the lack of co-ordinated reporting on these events mean that there is little cross learning gleaned by the industry and not enough common solutions found nor implemented.
The speakers and content included the following

  • Visit Scotland - supporting your business: VisitScotland’s Scott Armstrong (Regional Director) and Ben Thorburn (Marketing Executive, Highlands)
  • Step change - Industry leadership to realise Scotland’s tourism potential: Scottish Tourism Forum’s Iain Herbert (CEO)
  • Trees + Tourism x Adventure / Discovery = Forestry Commission Today and Tomorrow: FCS’s Fiona Murray (Forest Tourism Initiative)  Elaine Jamieson (Development Officer at Perth & Argyll Conservancy)
  • Tourism - the Bedrock of the Scottish Economy: Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park Authority’s Dr Mike Cantlay (Chair)
You can read a really good editorial with comment on the For Argyll website

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