Monday, 28 September 2009

Ayr Gold Cup Tourism Value

According to press releases it was "Sun and fun" all the way at this year's William Hill Ayr Gold Cup Festival at Ayr Racecourse one of the best in living memory.
Crowds exceeded expectations, with more than 21,000 attending over the three days and 12,500 packing the course on Saturday.
The release estimated that around £2 million was pumped into the local economy, with hotel rooms within a 15 mile radius sold out and bars, restaurants and taxi firms also benefiting.
Regardless of the actual figures the power of events to a local economy cannot be underestimated and Ayrshire is fortunate enough to benefit from an ongoing series of high profile tourism events. The calendar at Ayr has been hit by the economy in line with other corporate hospitality venues but the benefits are still there to be seen to the local hospitality industry. The Open Championship raised the coffers and profile of Ayrshire earlier this year and the development of targeted arts, entertainments and sporting events provides the area with a means to move forward.
A co-ordinated effort bringing together the three separate councils is essential in achieving a joint events strategy. Let's not hold our breathe for that one then.

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