Friday, 5 June 2009

National Trust Closure Confirmed

The final announcement of the closure of Hill of Tarvit has actually slipped our notice a couple of weeks ago but its impacts won't go unnoticed in the area.

Following a consultation period which concluded last week, the NTS has confirmed that Hill of Tarvit Mansionhouse will close, although the gardens and grounds will remain open to the public, as will the Kingarrock hickory golf course.

NTS chief executive Kate Mavor said: "The National Trust for Scotland simply had to take decisive action to cut its costs in this difficult financial climate. We cannot afford to run properties at a deficit. Sadly, we have no option but to confirm that the Hill of Tarvit Mansionhouse will be closing to the public."

North East Fife MP, Sir Menzies Campbell, said he was "profoundly disappointed" by the closure of Hill of Tarvit."The long-term future of the house must be a matter of concern with the risk that if there is no adequate security it could become the target for theft and vandalism," he said."The hickory golf course is a wonderful experience, but a reduction in visitors to the house may have an impact on visiting members of the public wanting to play golf in the traditional way."

All in all a sad position but one we fear that may be repeated across the country once this summer season is over. Is autumn going to witness a raft of cuts and closures across the tourism sector? Let's hope not.

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