Monday, 8 June 2009

Golf management Course Online

Given the importance of Golf Tourism to the economy it was interesteing to note that a golf management course delivered in the Highlands is now going to be made available to students anywhere in the world, after going online.

The BA golf management degree from the soon to be Universtiy of the Highlands and islands is unique in Scotland, begins an honours year from this September, and will also be available for full or part-time online study for the first time. Students cover the basics of golf club and resort operation and organisation, marketing, finances, tourism potential, and the maintenance of fairways and greens. North Highland College UHI at Dornoch has been home to the degree since 2001.

Through lectures, hands-on learning and home and overseas placements, the course applies current business and management techniques to the operation and management of traditional members’ clubs and international golf resorts.
Staff work closely with golf’s governing bodies, and have the backing of professional bodies within the industry and the academic establishment.

Programme leader Dr Rob Macpherson said: “In these troubled economic times, strategic planning, e-business opportunities, efficient optimisation of facility resources, the development and deployment of marketing communications, are important factors.”

The downside? Well I guess the last thing that the Dornoch economy needs now is another reason for anyone contributing to local businesses - even students! - not staying in the area. The closure of The Burghfield, The Royal Golf and even smaller operations like the Malin have impacted greatly on the visitor profile in recent years. Such a wonderful destination but typical of the pressures on such tourism villages across Scotland.

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