Monday, 28 January 2013

Best Book Direct - Don't Dismiss Email Marketing

Encouraging guests to Book Direct is a mission with us just now and every phone call we have with our clients aims to drive that message home.

Last week we designed a quick offers template for Nick White at the Inn at Lathones near St Andrews to promote his onlien deal for January through March.

The offer is only bookable online and using Price Groups we have linked the offer DIRECT to the booking page for the deal on his own website. The customer doesn't need to search for the booking page, the specific offer or even the calendar. And importantly because the offer is using the online booking engine the phone lines don't melt under the weight of calls as they do with Flash sale promotions.

The easier you make it for the customer to book the room the greater the conversion rate will be.

It's not difficult to increase your DIRECT business it jsut requires a bit of thought and consistency and commitment to offering the best rate direct.

Find out how it works or take advantage of a great wee offer by testing the link:

Here's how the newsletter built using ConstantContact looked going out to the Inn at Lathones mailing list.

The Best Book Direct series is being produced in conjunction with the on-line marketing team at Plan B and the award winning Bookassist Booking Engine
Email or call 01292 521404.
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