Monday 21 February 2011

Understand How To Work With Film, TV and Advertising

Are you in the picture or do you want to be? If so, then this is your opportunity to learn more about what is involved in working with Film, TV and Advertising organisations and how to generate alternative sources of income from your "picture perfect" assets.

The SRPBA, South West Scotland Screen Commission, Tods Murray LLP, Creative Scotland and Annandale Estates have teamed together to produce what will be a stimulating and informative Demo day.

In the morning session at Raehills you will learn from the experience of location providers working with film and television companies, hear from Scotland’s senior professional advisers and from the UK’s top location managers. We are also privileged to have film producer Clare Kerr along to speak about her experiences.

The Question and Answer session will allow delegates time to freely ask questions of the panel who will not only include the mornings earlier speakers but also landowners with experience of productions taking place on their grounds and others involved in the actual production process.

This Demo Day is aimed at raising awareness of the opportunities and challenges in working with movies and commercials. The event is open to all but will especially be of interest to landowners, country house owners, professional advisers and land managers.

Lunch will be provided at Raehills. The event is free but there will be a small charge of £15.00 + VAT per head to help defray the estate costs of the day.

Contact: Joyce Karch, SRPBA, Stuart House, Eskmills Business Park, Musselburgh, EH21 7PB or email by Wednesday 23 February 2011.

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