Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Ayrshire Hospitality Business Increases Social Media

Just started work today on increasing the social media presence of the businesses of Meridian, Caprice and The Ayrshire and Galloway Hotel.

The Edge revamped the sites of the well known Ayrshire wine bars and hotel a couple of years ago and following an account review with owner and management a refresh of the website and addition of new blog, facebook and ae-mail marketing camapign was decided upon.

At the same time The Edge will undertake a Key Content Builder project which is aimed at improving content and search tags and increasing the traffic through the sites.

The use of social media can undoubtedly build the online profile of any business and fast moving enterprises such as pub groups can both reduce costs and increase sales. The return on investment from a strategic online marketing stratgey can be quite dramatic.

So if you think that having a website designed three or four years ago constitutes an online marketing strategy why not give us a call and we'll explain how we could help your business communicate more effectively.

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