Monday, 10 August 2009

TripAdvisor and Hotels - Continued...

We've touched on TripAdvisor on a number of occassions over the past few weeks and no doubt this will continue as the debate goes on regarding its integration into sites such as

One of our most recent finds is a really well constructed and thought out Blog by an American Josian Mackenzie. It really is worth subscribing to his RRS feed.

Anyway he has just interviewed the VP of TripAdvisor and the article is of real interest to accommodation providers. Worth five minutes of your Monday morning for sure.
The one thing about TripAdvisor - you may love it or loathe but you cannot ignore it. Hotel and Guest houses must manage the process to the full and be pro-active when it comes to those guest reviews.

Read the TripAdvisor interview on the Hotel Marketing Strategies blog

1 comment:

Josiah from said...

Many thanks for your kind comments and link!

"The one thing about TripAdvisor - you may love it or loathe but you cannot ignore it."

Very, very true. Guests are going to be using the site whether you want them to or not. I enjoyed talking with TripAdvisor to clear up some of the marketing details.
