Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Plan B Hits Another High Note!

Ah yes we always wanted to be headline writers for the tabloids!

So how have we hit another high note? Simple really with a new Sitebuilder Bands site for Red Pine Timber Company. Yup Red Pine Timber Company - is that not just a brilliant name for a band?

Their history? In the summer of 2009, a loose collective of musicians led by former Southpaw Singer/Songwriter and Guitarist Gavin Munro got together one afternoon during the Southern Fried Festival in Perth. They rehearsed just once before performing in front of the festival audience later the same day. The audience loved it and Red Pine Timber Company was born!

They describe their style as Americana Country with a strong Celtic influence and through the band’s willingness to embrace talent when and where they find it, they now have a multinational line-up, an age range of 15 to 45 and, unusually, a horn section!

How did Plan B enter the equation?

Well we have been working with David Mundell of Mundell Music for many a year helping him promote his wonderful gigs and venues and in discussion with him we came up with the idea to develop SiteBuilder Bands aimed at giving bands and musicians painless access to their own content managed website. The plethora of social media outlets were available for musicians but we still believed that an anchored presence on their won website would be of major benefit to bands and musicians.

SiteBuilder Bands was born and now provides a cost effective website option with support from someone who knows the industry really well.

The website is built on a series of frameworks incorporating all the external links and feeds - bands can easily upload their YouTube videos, link to downloads, their social media or even their own iTunes or retail pages.

looking to find more about an affordable band website? Why not contact David Mundell or Plan B to find out more.

Plan B and Some of Our Hits!

It's always good fund getting even within touching distance of the music industry and we've had some great fund working on some good stuff over the years.
And the viewings of this piece of Scottish footballing history is guaranteed to still raise hairs on the back of the neck...

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