Thursday, 27 October 2011

Open Rooms Mobile Website for Scottish Hotels

The World is Travelling Light – So Should Your Website…

Mobile is the fastest growing method of accessing hotel information online. This is not the future – it is very much the present.

Online activity reports in October 2011, indicated that 25% of leisure travellers use mobile devices to book rooms, and Google reported that 19 % of all hotel searches happen on mobile devices.

It is becoming more and more important that hotels have a relevant workable mobile presence and whilst all of the Open Rooms websites are optimised to perform on mobile devices having a slimmed down version of a hotel website specifically for mobile users makes increasing sense.

Ayrshire based Hospitality Marketing business have just released pre launch details of their all new Content Managed Mobile Website for hotels - complete with integrated low cost commission online booking capability.

The Open Rooms Pro MM12 package includes aground breaking Content Managed Mobile Website with the full power of the Bookassist Booking Engine inbuilt. It includes mapping, online booking, image galleries and whatever additional pages and dynamic content hotels wish to put on it.

Ian McCaig, MD at Plan B and Managing Partner of Bookassist in Scotland explains, "The content is driven from our tourism database which already powers more than a hundred websites across Scotland. The fact that it is content managed gives the hotelier to target on a daily basis the traveller in the location with relevant offers, news and add ons. The booking is then seamless using Bookassist's mobile technology."

"Designed for ease of use and booking rooms the Mobile Website is an integral part of our wholly upgraded suite of website options for 2012 - the mobile complements the Open Rooms Lite, Plus and Pro packages aimed at all sizes of accommodation providers. We know that providing proper mobile and social media access for hotel guests can create a strong impression of the property and what it stands for." 

How it Works
Open Rooms mobile technology automatically redirects visitors browsing on iPhone, Android and other touch devices to the mobile version of the hotel’s website.

The Open Rooms Mobile site has been designed to be both fast and lightweight so that guests who are roaming will not be subjected to large file downloads and potentially larger billing costs ensuring that the customer gets the best experience possible on every platform - on desktop with Open Rooms Pro and on the go with the Mobile Website.

The Mobile hotel site features:
  • Location-aware mapping with automatic routing from current location to the hotel (where supported by the phone)
  • Room descriptions and photos and integrated customer reviews
  • Integrated photo gallery
  • Fast and easy-to-use full transaction engine for booking
  • PCI-DSS compliant security, credit card verification and SMS booking confirmation
  • Feature entire hotel groups, seamlessly interlinking each hotel.
Ensuring return on investment from your webapp Bookassist booking engine also tracks all bookings through its systems, including hotel webapp bookings. The powerful reporting is based on booking engine integration with the Google Analytics and will show you at a glance how your mobile platform is performing.

Properly built platforms drive conversion. Get your hotel on the move with Open Rooms Mobile.

To find out more about Open Rooms packages visit the Demo Website

For more information on both Open Rooms Mobile website and Bookassist booking engine contact Ian McCaig on 01292 521404 or by email

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