Monday, 31 October 2011

How Strong is Our Signal?

How much business will be lost in rural areas that do not have 3G or even ANY mobile signal?

The question above was raised a few weeks back by Alan Rankin the Chief Executive at Cairngorms Business Partnership. He went on to discuss the issues facing hospitality businesses in Scotland when it comes to digital access - broadband, WiFi and plain old mobile.

The point was reinforced by those in the discussion group that mobile access was increasingly important yet as a country our coverage was appalling compared to some of our competitors and that with the growth in use of mobile devices for information, travel directions and live reservations we needed to improve the situtaito quite dramtatically.

On my own various trips across Scotland it is quite possible to lose mobile signal equally easily in parts of Edinburgh as it is in the western Highlands.

We thought theerefore that a quick and easy to complete survey of what's going on across Scotland's tourism businesses wouldn't go amiss. We have produced a quick and easy to complete survey which hopefully will give a snapshot of the picture across Scotland in the first week of November 2011 and will repeat it quartelry if it produces good enough results. There is a link within the survey to a Broadband speed test (uSwitch) which will allow a like for like comparison of speed across the country.

We'd be grateful if you could take ten minutes to complete the test and we'll publish the results on the TourismMatters facebook page next week

Complete the Survey Here

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