Thursday, 23 September 2010

Malcom Roughead Appointed CEO of Visitscotland

The following is lifted directly from the VisitScotland press release on the appointment of the new Chief Executive. It won't be the last time that it will be mentioned over the next few days we're sure.

"VisitScotland has announced the appointment of Malcolm Roughead, OBE, as its new Chief Executive, along with a restructuring of senior staff to create annual savings of £335,000.

Representing a saving of more than £1.3 million over the course of the next four year spending review, efficiencies will include cutting the number of directors in the organisation from six to four and investing savings in marketing Scotland.

Malcolm has been Director of Marketing at the organisation since 2001 and has been acting Chief Executive since June. He will take over the post with immediate effect on a salary of £140,000 - £21,000 below that of the former CEO.  Malcolm has asked that there be no annual bonus entitlement in this package. His current post will not be replaced and he will continue with his strategic marketing role.

Malcolm has already signalled a change of direction for the organisation - with stronger partnership working with the tourism industry and a review of key functions to respond to the current challenges in the public sector.   He led the organisation following the ash cloud crisis by developing a £5 million campaign targeting people living in the UK and Europe and, for the first time, a major stand-alone campaign targeting people living in Scotland.

Malcolm (51) joined VisitScotland from Diageo in May 2001. He came from Guinness World Records as Global Sales and Marketing Director. A graduate in Modern Languages from Glasgow University in 1981, Malcolm previously held a number of senior marketing positions with Guinness in Africa, Europe, the Middle East and North America. He has also worked in marketing with Nestlé and Beechams in London. In March 2004, Malcolm was awarded the title of Scottish Marketeer of the Year at the Scottish Marketing Awards. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Direct Marketing and a Fellow and former Chair of the Marketing Society in Scotland. In 2005 he received an OBE for services to tourism.

VisitScotland can also confirm that it has reached a mutual agreement with its former Chief Executive, Philip Riddle. He will receive a gross settlement of £127,000 - with an additional payment to VisitScotland's pension scheme of £113,000. This is in line with agreed government guidelines and conditions of the Chief Executive's employment contract. This will be entirely funded from salary savings in this financial year and VisitScotland is keen to reassure the tourism industry that this package will not be funded from current marketing activity spend.  Overall savings, as a result of the reduced Chief Executive remuneration package and not replacing two other directors, will mean the pay bill for senior staff this year is actually falling.

Malcolm said:   "VisitScotland has transformed itself over the last decade and I am looking forward to leading the organisation as it continues to change and develop. In the current climate it's crucial we work together to grow tourism. VisitScotland generated more than £400 million for the Scottish economy last year - representing a return of more than £20 for every £1 invested. I want to work closely with the tourism industry to achieve even greater growth in the years to come as I believe that tourism is vital to economic growth and creating new jobs."

VisitScotland Chairman Mike Cantlay added: "Malcolm is regarded as one of the top tourism marketeers in the world. My board believes that his track record of success and the magnificent returns VisitScotland brings the Scottish economy will reap dividends for our industry in the future. Additionally, the economies of his streamlining of the senior management team should bring confidence that VisitScotland will always achieve best value for money."

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