Thursday, 24 June 2010

Hotel Integration with Facebook demoed at Bookassist4

Bookassist has demonstrated its Facebook App for hotels at Bookassist4 - the 4th Annual Bookassist Hotel Industry Seminar, held at the Conrad Hotel in Dublin on June 23. Search Optimisation Specialist Paul Ferry from Bookassist outlined the key approaches for hotels on social media to build brand awareness and stressed the need to take a long term view of social media as a customer service issue, not just a revenue issue.

Bookassist's integration with Facebook, featuring booking engine, room descriptions, hotel facilities, customer reviews, and room price grid

"Social Media gives you an unprecedented opportunity to project your customer service outside your establishment, where all the world can see it", said Paul Ferry. "With our Facebook app, you can feed your hotel details, room types, booking capability and customer reviews right into Facebook automatically, straight from your website booking engine, and access your fanbase directly."
The cross-over between social media channels and mobile access in particular was highlighted in the closing talk by Bookassist's Des O'Mahony, where industry figures show very large growth in mobile social media usage and in particular in the use of geolocation features.

Bookassist's Facebook App will be available for Bookassist hotels in Scotland shortly. Ian McCaig from Bookassist Scotland  was delighted with the new functionality, "It couldn't be clearer that Scottish tourism is increasingly leaning on on-line marketing for more of its direct business. Bookassist is allowing accommodation providers throughout Scotland to integrate their on-line marketing strategies at an increasingly higher level with our booking engine. The Facebook integration comes hard on the heels of ChannelConnect, increased PMS development and complements the already powerful integration of a world class online booking solution. We are all extremely excited about how much direct booking business can be driven through the Facebook world."

Contact Bookassist Scotland for more information on how you can increase your direct online sales from your hotel

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