Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Glenmuir and Sunderland Merge

Interesting news on the golf clothing front that Glenmuir and Sunderland will be trading as one from the 1st of January 2010. According to the press release, "Glenmuir, one of Europe’s leading golf apparel brands,announced an historic agreement with Sunderland of Scotland to become the official European distributor for the world-class Sunderland product range of waterproofs and windproofs.

Effective from January 1st 2010, the convergence of these two Scottish-based golf clothing legends into Glenmuir’s Lanark headquarters will further establish both brands at the forefront of the European golf industry supply chain.

Glenmuir has achieved significant growth over recent years and adding the European-wide Sunderland distribution to its business provides the opportunity for immediate growth and improved utilisation of its Lanark administration, warehousing and distribution facilities."

We've worked with Glenmuir over the years with our golf events and with Golf Tourism Scotland and if this ensures the growth and continued Scottish ownership of two famous brand names it can only be a good thin - good luck to all.

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