Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Amazon set to expand its hotel offering?

This article is well worth reading if you happen to be an independent hotelier.

It is being reported that Amazon may be about to supplement the dicounted room offer that they currently offer through Amazon Local to general hotel room availability in an area setting the potential for a head to head with the likes of at some point in the future.

According to the full article on there is some activity in the States that indicates changes in Amazon Local to offer live availability in a selection of hotel properties.

If nothing else the article goes to underline that the dynamism in hotel distribution channels is unlikely to slow down and that hoteliers must maintain a strong relationship building strategy to drive DIRECT bookings wherever possible.

There will always be a secondary market for hotel rooms that must be integrated into strategic thinking but NOT at the cost of abandoning an even more aggressive DIRECT booking campaign.

Read Full Article here

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