Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Make Your Social Media Graphics Work

Okay by the time we've shared this graphic Facebook will once again have changed their layout and their image locations and sizes but in spite of that it is worth publishing!

Always great to find something particularly useful - it's a bit like watching the Gadget Show and seeing something just so cool that you have to pay £2 to enter their competition to win £30, 000 worth of kit you would never use.

This graphic below however was useful enough for us and we've got a vague idea what we are doing! Hopefully you'll find it of some interest when pulling together your own social media strategy. Remember you need to keep your social media working for you, it has to be dynamic and that includes using the header graphics to promote when appropriate.

Have a read at the site too - click on the logo to the right. Some really good stuff on there and a host of practical tips and opinions on how to make use of the media available to you.

Great graphic.

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