Thursday, 31 May 2012

Google + Local vs VisitScotland New Site

When we asked the question of VisitScotland several months ago in relation to why they were creating a search engine for Scotland when a perfectly good one called Scotland was already in place they pooh poohed the question as being irrelevant. Even when pushed specifically about the forthcoming launch of Google Hotel Finder it was dismissed as being a non issue.

Well here we are some nine maybe twelve months later with a new VisitScotland website launched four weeks ago and the launch today of Google + Local.

Try it yourself and see how irrelevant it all is now. If you were a visitor which one do you think works best for you?

We tried searching for "Visitor Attractions Edinburgh" on and on Google + Local. The former returned 89000 responses! Yup a new redesigned website returned nearly ninety thousand entries!! That will make it easy to narrow down the plans fro tomorrow then...

The folly of such massive multi million pound public investment has never been so stark. This is not much short of a scandal. And yet again they ignored all of the warnings.

We tired Search Results for "Visitor Attractions Edinburgh" on both pages.
Find out more about Google + Local on the Google site

We are currently writing a toolkit for Scottish Tourism Businesses - follow TourismMatters on Facebook to get details of the download when it goes live.

1 comment:

Terry Jackson said...

VisitScotland appear to me making the same mistake as VisitBritain in thinking they can dodge the bullet. On the contrary; by launching the new website they've made themselves a bigger target and a bigger one still by implying it's supported by the European Regional Development Fund.

If the State aid settlement terms aren't met by the UK authorities, the Commission has two sanctions: it can institute a formal investigation and claw-back development funding used in breach of competition law and State aid regulations.

The VisitBritain team members that thought they were beyond reach were subsequently made redundant.