Friday, 2 December 2011

A Discount on a Deal - How Far is This Going to Go?

When is sanity going to kick in amongst the industry?

Ok we have made our comments known about deep discounted deals on flash sale sites but when is the industry going to get a grip?

Here's how ridiculous it's got we've got one on the discounters offering a discount voucher for a discount! Yup another ten pounds off your already loss making room. Wow.

We've removed the name of the hotel and the actual deep discounter but here's the email. Does this not simply take your breath away? Where is reality?


Since you joined us, we noticed that none of our deals have quite tempted you to buy, so we would like to offer you a £10 voucher towards a fantastic 3-night break for two at the Hotel XXXXX nestled on the shores of XXXXXXXXXXX! This amazing mini-break was already heavily discounted at £99, but with your exclusive £10 off voucher, it's an even more astounding £89 for 3 nights!

This great offer includes a bottle of bubbly and breakfast each day. This is the perfect opportunity for that relaxing break you and your partner need, and a great opportunity to enjoy the breathtaking scenery of the XXXXXXXXXX.

To claim your £10 credit, simply visit (website removed) and enter the code "WAIT A WEEK AND IT'LL BE FREE" (made up voucher code!) on the purchase confirmation page.

Remember this deal is only on until Sunday night! So please get onto (your deep discounted partner) and get your voucher!

Happy spending!

Go on please comment...


Anonymous said...

tell me where it is so I can book

Admin said...

And I've got a very good idea who anonymous is too... You need another discount?