Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Facebook Side Bar for Scottish Hotel

Following a wee three or four day trip around Inverness, Moray, Speyside, west Highlands and Argyll (and I can sympathise with the cost of visitor fuel!) I ended up at the wonderfully well located Crianlarich Hotel.

Sitting on the corner of the A85 from The Trossachs and Stirling and the A82 from Loch Lomondside and Glasgow the hotel was simply noticed in passing for too many years due to it being a coach hotel only. It's been in new hands for sometime now and the new GM Andrea provided me with patience and coffee as my last stop on the way back to the office last week.

Andrea is not one of those to whom you have to point out the opportunities of online business to; the recently added Facebook pages has already accrued more than a thousand followers and the websites recent conversion to the Bookassist Booking Engine is already reaping rewards with increased direct sales traffic.

The plans are also underway for the winter season with the printed materials already in place for January offers for locals and visitors alike. The promotion ties in a business card style log in with the booking engine to provide for the "exclusivity" required. By using a Bookassist Promo Code (available to all users of the booking engine) the hotel can promote a very attractive promotional rate without opening it up to the whole world. Took ten minutes to set up and now the hotel's January promotion is a fully integrated on and off line tool which can be used with email marketing and social media.

Great what you can achieve in ten minutes!

Andrea also liked the Facebook side bars we've been creating for our clients so we rattled one of them up for her which will no doubt be on the hotel's Facebook page by the time we publish this article. So next time you're heading up through Crianlarich stop off for a coffee or a bite to eat or book your January Crianlarich offer online!

Click through for further information on adding a Facebook banner to your page. You can also find out more about how your accommodation can benefit from increased direct sales with the award winning Bookassist Booking engine.

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