Friday, 28 May 2010

Ayrshire Support For Scottish Food Project

Following the publication of yesterdays blog article on the Scottish Food Project The Ayrshire Food Network contacted us applauding the recognition and Governmental focus being given to the potential benefit of more locally produced Scottish natural food being made available for use in the hospitality /tourism industries..

There is growing on the ground evidence that customers are increasingly looking for locally sourced food and an authentic food experience at value for money prices .

Ayrshire is involved through proactive participation in industry led national initiatives aimed at getting local food featured and used at events:taking advantage of both our land based food and locally sourced sea foods.An increasing number of supply alliances are developing , and local food knowledge, availability and provision strengthened .

The potential benefits include economic sustainability ,and increased regional reputation plus wider availability of locally fresh more healthy food .

We would encourage everyone to take an increased interest in where their food is sourced ,both in personal shopping terms viz : at farmers' markets and when eating out .Ask those serving you about the food ? and be willing and comfortable to talk up our local specialities and encourage others to try them .

We have much to celebrate.

1 comment:

A Fooddie, said...

You are right, there is much to celebrate with the notion of using what is unique, seasonal and local.

Culinary Touris is partly based upon this underpining theory. I also have to say Scotland does this very well, many destinations would be wise to follow your lead.

We hope to see you at the Culinary Tourism World Summit for more info
go here,,

looking forward to seeing you!