Monday, 19 January 2009

Scotland's For Me Bloggers Wanted!

With the imnminent relaunch of the all new Scotland's For Me website, the marketing team behind the site, The Edge, are looking for Bloggers from the tourism industry to provide local, area and regional input for the potential visitor to Scotland.
Director Ian McCaig explained further, "Since we first developed the Scotland's For Me website online marketing has moved on considerably and the distribution of information has been transformed with the integration of Web 2.0 tools.
So the new website incorporates a whole host of new initiatives with online booking for accommodation and events, search for rooms by Google Maps, improved picture galleries and video uploads. In addition the site will also include a "Scotland's For You" blog which will give up to date information straight from a bank of local authors - and we thought that we should turn to Scottish Tourism Forum for contributors"
So what is required?
Well, basically just a commitment to write impartially about forthcoming events, items of interest to the visitor, reviews of what's been and gone and general information about the area. Anecdotes, suggestions, visitor comments... as long as it's aimed at the visitor.
If you're interested in contributing information for your area drop a brief note to and he'll get back to you.

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